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Joy Closet Thrift Store | Retail | Social Services

975 E. Lincoln Lane
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-8868
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who to contact

Ginger Crist · Manager · Phone:(913) 856-8868  · Send an Email

about us

Joy Closet is a mission funded through First Presbyterian Church of Gardner. We are a thrift store open for all to come shop and we help those in need with our free voucher program. We accept Donations of: Shoes, Boots, Clothing all sizes, Coats, Jackets, Hats, Gloves, Purses, Diaper Bags, Back Packs, All Bedding, Jewelry, Toys, Games, Books, Knick knacks, Small Household Items. You can drop off donations during our business hours and receive a tax donation sheet, or you can drop off your donation in the 2 Big Blue Bins at our store at any time! We DO NOT ACCEPT Large items - NO Furniture If you are interested in volunteering with us stop by the store and fill our a volunteer card.